Noise and Environment
Airport Projects
FEIS/FEA Safety Infrastructure Tenant Improvement Projects
Volume I of V
Federal Aviation Administration Finding
of No Significant Impact (FONSI) Record of
Decision (ROD) and
Final Environmental Assessment – Text,
Tables, Figures
Volume III of V
Appendices B through I
Volume IV of V
Appendices J through Q
Volume V of V
Appendices R through Y
DEIS/DEA Safety Infrastructure Tenant Improvement Projects
Engineered Material
Arresting System – Airport Safety Project
Relocation of Runway 1/19 – Airport Safety Project
Replacement of American Air Power Museum
Modernization and Redevelopment of Sheltair Aviation Facilities
NEPA Environmental Assessment/SEQR Environmental Impact Statement
Class B Airspace Redesign
FAA Project (Title) Background on Airspace Redesign Project
Republic Airport Commission Resolution on Class B Airspace Redesign Project