The Republic Airport Garden of Remembrance was created as tribute to friends, coworkers and family who have passed away as well as a place for the survivors to remember and to heal.
Our aim is to establish a commemorative garden to epitomize and perpetuate the essential spirit of aviation enthusiast and contributors and to freely revitalize and provide comfort.
The Republic Airport Garden of Remembrance is a place created as a tribute to loved ones who have dedicated their lives to the aviation industry and history. The Garden is to honor those who have passed away as well as a place for the survivors to remember and to heal.
Located on the grounds of Republic Airport, next to our Main Terminal, the 567 square foot garden is a creative blend of trees, shrubs and flowering plants.
The garden’s pathway outlined with bricks engraved with the names of individuals who have given the garden its character and significance. Benches are situated throughout the garden for the visitors to use as they reflect in this tranquil setting and pay tribute to the lives of their loved ones.
The garden will be open 24 hours a day 365 days a year. Each year, Republic Airport Staff will conduct a memorial service in honor of those who have passed away.
Ordering a Brick in Memory of a Loved One
Memorial bricks and benches are available for purchase. Anyone interested in ordering an engraved brick or bench with a plaque, is asked to complete the Personalized Order Form attached.
Bricks and plaques accommodate personalization of fifteen (15) characters per including spacing and punctuation, 3 line maximum. The cost of a memorial brick includes the cost of the brick, engraving, shipping, installation and maintenance.
These 5 foot long benches, receptacles and picnic tables are made of recycled gray with black trim plastic lumber and are now the standard furniture used in the garden.
If you are interested in donating memorial furniture, please contact us for current pricing. Furniture pricing begins at $600-$1500.
Each individual brick, which measures 4″ x 8″, will cost $55.00. This price includes one (1) Holland Charcoal brick, Helvetica engraving, shipping, installation and maintenance. Remembrance Garden Furniture begins at $600-$1500. The choices are 5 foot long benches, receptacles and picnic tables, which are made of recycled gray plastic lumber with black trim. Pricing is subject to change due vendors’ availability and freight charges. A commemorative certificate accompanies each brick and/or furniture purchase.
What are the Remembrance Bricks and Garden Furniture for?
Individually engraved Remembrance Bricks and Garden Furniture will be placed to form a display on the north lawn of Republic Airport Main Terminal. They may be purchased by individuals, groups or business to honor people and or events that have been a part of Republic Airport history and our aviation community. Why are we undertaking this project? We were looking to make a permanent display honoring people and events in our aviation history.
Where will the Remembrance Brick project be?
It will be constructed on the north lawn of Republic Airport’s main terminal where flowers, shrubs, picnic tables and benches are located.
Who or what might be honored on a brick?
Any person or moment contributing to Republic Airport’s history. Remembrance Bricks are a permanent way to honor someone’s life, contributions and milestones.
Where do the Remembrance Bricks come from?
The bricks will be purchased from a local company and engraved by a stone artist.
How often are bricks added to the Garden?
Bricks are added year-round as weather permits.
Who may I contact to purchase a brick, garden furniture or to find out more information?
For your convenience, you may print out and mail back the online brick order form or garden furniture order form, with your payment.